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Famous Geniuses of the World

"There is a thin line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line". ~ Oscar Levant

Genius are not made or created, they are born. You must have come across this phrase sometime or the other in your lifetime.

Real geniuses are those who invent things and expand our understanding, knowledge and abundance, they really shape the world we live in. Geniuses plunge into their chosen work and leave an indelible mark on the world with their brilliance, creativity and innovation. Famous geniuses become like guiding stars in the firmament of your mind.

Read about some of the smartest people that have ever lived, those we commonly call geniuses.

Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci, who was born in Vinci 1452, was possibly one of the greatest geniuses that ever lived. Da Vinci was a true "polymath" - one who mastered many different fields, not only art and sculpture but also anatomy, mathematics and science He is considered to be one of the best painter of all times.

Let us now discuss about the works of this great Italian polymath.

Da Vinci showed his gift of talent at a very young age. He is considered to be one of the best painters of all times. Two of his works, the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, are the most famous painting of all times. Virgin of the Rocks was another masterpiece which was painted by Da Vinci. Among his drawings Vitruvian Man is regarded as the cultural icon. The Virgin and the Child with St. Anne is another example of his famous drawings.

As far as intelligence is concerned Da Vinci was the greatest genius of all times. His IQ was estimated to be around 220!

Leonardo died on May 2, 1519 in Cloux, France. Leonardo not only was a masterful artist and an open-minded scientist, but also as a markedly alluring and eloquent conversationalist with a light-hearted character and attractive appearance.He was the genius of geniuses!

"Geniuses are the luckiest of mortals because what they must do is the same as what they most want to do." ~ W.H.Auden

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was born in Germany in 1879.Like all other geniuses; Albert too was a genius from birth. From a very tender age he started showing signs of a genius. As a child Albert was thoughtful and self-sufficient. He loved making very tall houses with cards and loved math and science. He had great knowledge about physics and used to surprise his professors with his brilliant answers.

Albert Einstein is best known for his theory of relativity and specifically mass energy equivalence, expressed by the equation E = mc2.He was a master in Physics and he also received a noble prize for his services towards Theoretical Physics and mainly for the discovery of the law of photoelectric effect. From childhood he took interest in Physics and with pure determination he studied the subject and solved problems concerning to it. He had a strategy of his own and was able to visualize the main stages on the way to his goal. He regarded his major achievements as mere stepping-stones for the next advance.

"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." ---Quoted by Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein had an IQ of 160. Einstein published over 300 scientific works and over 150 non-scientific works. In the year of 1911 he was given the full professorship at a German University. A year later in 1912, he moved to Zurich where he became the professor of Theoretical Physics. He died on April 18 due to heart failure. Einstein contributed more than any other scientist to the modern vision of physical reality. His special and general theories of relativity are still regarded as the most satisfactory model of the large-scale universe that we have.

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare was an English poet who is recognized throughout the world. He is considered one of the greatest playwrights who ever lived. Born in the city of Warwickshire, England, in 1564, William was very much interested in poetry from early childhood. At eighteen years age he got married to Anne Hathaway, and together they had three children.

Shakespeare was a respected poet in his own day but he never got the recognition until nineteenth century .Around 1590 Shakespeare started writing plays. His first play was Henry VI is also an example of a historical play written by him. Most of plays were comedies. For example Much Ado About Nothing and The Merchant of Venice. The main reason behind the success of his plays is that it appeals to the mass. Since Shakespeare's audience consisted of persons from every social class in London at the time, so he had to make his work appeal to anyone and everyone who came to see it.

Shakespeare (1564-1616) was no doubt a genius. He died on 23rd April in Stratford.

We should learn to access our inner genius by following the footsteps of other real geniuses who have left us with a much of intelligence. High intelligence and high creativity makes a genius. However these two qualities are not sufficient to carve a genius. Hard-work, motivation and great persistence is also needed to become a real genius.

The author is an editor with

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How to Develop the Genius within You

Inside each one of us there's a seed of greatness, a seed of genius. You are a special and complete human being and so is everyone else. You have a seed of genius within you.

"Every child is born a genius" - Albert Einstein.

Now, to what extent will you make use of your genius is totally up to you. You deserve a lot in life and you have all the power and ability to achieve everything you want.

Desire: How can one develop that genius in oneself and achieve all that he or she deserves? Starting point of all achievements is desire. You've got to have a strong want for your own success. Many times we are afraid to desire the things we want because we think that it's beyond our means. Believe in your heart that you are capable of achieving any good thing. By knowing that you have a seed of greatness in you, you are free to desire for all the good things you really want.

Faith: Faith is believing in the unseen. There's a saying that "fake it till you make it". When you drop a pen or an object you certainly know that it's going to fall down. Similarly you should "know" that you are capable. When you believe in your own abilities it becomes very easy for you to have faith and follow it up with action.

You know the answer. Follow your gut. By going deep inside you, you can find solutions to many problems.

Action: The next step after you believe in yourself and have faith is taking action. Many times you know the answer, you have the solutions, and you can feel that you are right. This is your instinct. When you know in your heart that you are right, take action. Faith without action is useless.

History teaches us many great men and women who were ordinary people like you and I have made a name for themselves by believing in themselves, making use of their creative abilities. Same qualities are in all of us. We just have to tap into our genius. Difference between ordinary and extra ordinary is only that little extra.

Plan: Planned effort brings successful results. Write down your goals. Organize your goals into monthly, weekly and daily plans and activities.

To achieve maximum results with a peace of mind you can follow this simple technique. Take a piece of paper. Draw a rough calendar on it and mark the days starting from today till the end of this month. It doesn't need to be perfect. Just draw seven vertical lines and three or four horizontal lines. Write sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat across the top and write the dates in each box of the table. Now, write down one or two activities in each box that you can do each day. These are the activities that bring you closer to achieving your goals and completing the things you wanted. Think of one activity you are really good at. Involve that activity in your goals. Apply the same level of enthusiasm to all the activities that you have planned for each day. The goals can be as simple as reading a complete book, organizing your finances, writing an article etc, by a specific date. Taking a consistent & persistent action on a daily basis your dreams can become a reality very soon.

Keep your calendar in an easily visible place and look at it often. You can modify it as your plans change. Write your entirely monthly or weekly calendar on a new sheet of paper everyday or once in two days. That will keep you focused and helps you grab the opportunities that can accelerate your success journey.

Get the big chunks done first. Put the big rocks first in your jar. Take just one step at a time. Remember inch by inch everything is synch.

Do what you feel right to do. Never worry about what "they" say. This quote says it most appropriately- "All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism."

Unseen controls the seen. Everything you see around you, even this website and article you are reading now are created in mind first. You can create the exact future you want for yourself by creating the exact image in your mind. Whatever you feed into your conscious mind, your subconscious mind will bring it into reality. It brings you in contact with people and circumstances that help you in creating the life you want. Feed your mind with positive dreams, read positive books, listen to positive tapes and cds.

Some of the other practical steps you can take to develop your genius are:

1) Solitude: Try solitude by sitting quietly for about 30 to 60 minutes a day, without trying to analyze or doing anything. This is one of the simplest and powerful you can do to develop your genius.

2) Meditation: Mediation relaxes your mind and body. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and breathe deeply for about four to six times. Let go of all worries, tensions and problems. If you are angry about something or someone, let go, forget and forgive. Now imagine exact outcome of the goal you want to accomplish. Do not think about the how. Just imagine the end result and imagine how it feels to have achieved that end result. This will program your mind to bring your desire outcome into reality.

3) Music: Listening to soft, classical or instrumental music ( can also get your mind in touch with your creative abilities.

4) Affirmations: Spoken words have a power. One of the best ways to develop your genius is through self-affirmations. Affirming the following positive words and sentences with belief and conviction can transfer your mind, body and your creative abilities.

- I am a genius.

- I am creative.

- I know that I was born a genius and I still have the genius abilities within me.

- Everyday in everyway I am discovering new creative abilities within me and they are becoming second nature to me.

- I am abundant, I am good enough.

- I can achieve anything I set my mind to.

- I know that to achieve anything, all I have to do is to just take one step at a time.

There is a first to everything. There's a first person who ran four minute mile, there's a first person who climbed Mount Everest, there's a first person who landed on the moon. Similarly there are firsts in your life like your first million. Make your firsts come true by taking the first step today.

Copyright / Author: Vin Bhat.

Vin Bhat is a successful writer and business owner. He is an editor at, where you can find more articles, free e-books, re-sellable ebooks and submit articles:

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